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How Much Can a Landlord Raise Rent in California 2018

Dearest LAist: How Much Can My Landlord Raise My Rent?

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(Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images)


The hire, as we know, is likewise damn high -- and in L.A., it's getting higher. If you're a renter or a leaser, information technology'south difficult to tell when your landlord tin can raise the hire legally.

Such is the instance for one reader, Kathryn, who asked united states: "I've heard that the percent a landlord can enhance ane's rent in L.A. depends on when the flat building was synthetic. Is this true?"

It's an important question, and the topic of a lot of discussion. Rent control varies by city, and each city does it differently. Simply if we're talking about the city of L.A. then basically, yes -- the age of your building does affect your landlord's ability to raise the hire. Almost homes in 50.A. built on or before Oct. 1, 1978, are rent stabilized, which means the landlord can only raise the hire by a certain percent. It'southward outlined in the city'southward Rent Stabilization Ordinance.

The ordinance says that at that place are two different ways your landlord can raise your rent without approval from the city government. For one, he or she can raise the rent once a year by upwardly to 3 percent. Your landlord tin also add 1 per centum of the cost of gas and/or electricity, if those utilities are included in your rent price.

The other way they can raise rent without metropolis approval is by tacking on a ten per centum increase for each additional person living in your flat, like a friend who decided to live on your couch. The additional person should exist approved by the landlord.

There are other ways a building owner can enhance rents -- through renovations and general edifice maintenance, for case -- but they require City Hall to sign off on them. The L.A. Housing and Customs Investment Section has a tenant booklet that outlines a lot more of these. To detect out if your building is rent stabilized, call 866-557-Hire (7368) -- or you tin look up your building with this tool provided by the Fifty.A. metropolis government.

If your firm is non rent stabilized, your hire increases are less controlled by the urban center'south laws, and depend more on the landlord'due south personal decisions. If y'all rent your business firm or apartment through a charter, your rent can't exist increased until the lease has expired. If you rent month-to-month, your landlord tin can potentially increase the rent at any fourth dimension.

If you want to brush up on your tenants' rights, read the city'southward guide. Or you lot can take this quiz to see how much you already know!

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