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Fall Daylight Saving 2018 Images Funny

daylight savings times dates 2022

Daylight Savings Memes about time change 2022 laughs. Share these funny images about Daylight Savings Time

It's that time again. You know where either you lose an hour or gain an hour. You know, also known as the worse thing to happen to parents of little children. Yes, I am talking about daylight saving time.

2022 Time Change Memes & Info

Before jumping into the funny daylight saving time change memes, here is the 2022 time change info you need to know.

daylight saving time meme
Daylights savings memes time changes 2022 laughs!

Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 2:00 am CST – move your clocks FORWARD. Spring is coming!

changing clocks meme daylight savings

Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 2:00 am CST – move your clocks BACK. And whether you are gaining an hour or losing an hour – I think we can all agree that coffee will help in either situation.

starbucks coffee size for daylight savings - funny time change meme
Starbucks meme about daylight savings – Time to rename Starbucks coffee sizes!

For those of us who have to deal with this time change insanity, perhaps you too have felt victimized by the changing of time.

Funny meme about time change - raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by daylight saving time.
daylights saving time is the worse

One hour either way throws me off for a good week!

2022 Daylight Savings Memes

In honor of changing the clock, we give you the BEST daylight savings memes for 2022 for both Spring and Fall. Whether you are losing an hour of sleep, or gaining an hour, these time change memes are LOL worthy!

dear daylight savings no thanks time change 2022 meme
funny time change meme 2022 – no thanks daylight saving – hard pass

This year has been, well hell and to top it off we get an extra hour of this madness thanks to this awful day. While I've already voted, this daylight savings meme made me LOL.

2020 daylights savings meme candidate
daylights savings meme 2022

Dear Daylight Savings Time – NO THANKS.

daylight savings time meme friday

Remind me again, why aren't we doing this on Friday at 4pm?

Monday After Daylight Savings Memes

Can we talk about what Monday will be like? These Monday after Daylight Savings memes include what we are all feeling after losing that hour of sleep.

spring forward meme 2022 funny quote - Daylight savings timeS on a sunday should always be followed by a national holiday on monday!
Monday After Spring Forward Meme

Daylight savings times on a Sunday should always be followed by a national holiday on Monday!

If you are going to screw up our schedules, at least give us a national holiday to recover from the time change!

changing to daylight savings time on sunday should always be followed by a national holiday on monday
daylight savings monday meme – source:

Daylight Savings Memes about Kids

Sorry parents, daylight savings really does suck for us. These Monday after Spring Forward memes say exactly how all of us with kids will be feeling come Monday, March 14! (Which in 2022 is 3.14 see our Pi Day memes.)

kids time change daylight saving meme matrix
When your kid is trying to deal with the time change (from Matrix 4 memes)

I know it's hard when the kids are babies and toddlers, but don't worry – it doesn't get that much better when they are older either. May the odds be in your favor.

survive daylight savings meme
time change meme 2022

Make sure to share these parent memes for Fall daylight savings time with your friends who have little kids!

time change parent meme
Parents daylight savings meme

Nothing, us parents get nothing but kids with messed up sleep schedules.

Daylight Savings Time changes the clocks at 2am. What does this mean to you as a parent? NOTHING!

parenting daylight savings meme - the clocks go back an hour that means nothing to parents

End the time change, parents can't do it!

end the time change meme
end daylight saving time meme

Moms be hating Daylight savings time.

i just love DAYllight savings time said no mom ever

Fall Daylight Savings Memes

In the Fall, the clock falls forward. This means an hour less of the sun but you do gain an hour on the day of daylight saving.

move the scale back daylight savings meme

If only it worked like this. Don't forget to set your scale back 10 pounds! source: Keto Dirty

I will now be blaming all of my problems on the sun setting early.

sunset excuses
fall daylight saving meme

Daylight Savings Fall Back Memes

Hello darkness my old friend. Soon you will be here at 4 pm. This daylight savings fall back meme is too relatable. (Like these relatable memes!)

hello darkness my old friend soon you will be here at 4pm
daylight savings fall back meme

Fall clock change has us living in the dark. Give me back my vitamin d!


More Memes about Daylight Savings Time

Spring forward – the only faster way to lose an hour of your life on Pinterest. (true story – see Pinterest memes)

daylight savings meme source:

I refuse to observe daylight savings time – feed me now, or suffer consequences.

daylight savings time cat meme
daylight savings time meme

This guy, always about the aliens!

aliens time change meme

I don't know what daylight savings time is, and at this point i'm too afraid to ask.


Not sure if I'm getting an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour to stay up. Don't miss our sleeping memes.

fall daylight savings time sleep meme - Not sure if I am getting an extra hour sleep or an extra hour to stay up late.
fall back meme

Hawaii and most of Arizona does NOT participate in DST! Also to note,  In different parts of the world, Daylight Savings Time dates vary.

daylight savings in arizona
funny daylight savings meme

Spring Daylight Savings Memes

The spring daylight saving time you spring forward, which means the sunset later but also on the day of you lose an hour!


Lose an Hour Meme

March 13, 2022 is when we are schedule to spring forward our clocks and lose an hour. This Oprah image about losing an hour hits hard. Don't miss all of our March memes.

lose an hour meme daylight savings time
losing an hour meme

Spring Forward Memes

We've sucked one hour of your life away. Tell me, how do you feel? Enjoy these Spring Forward memes and change your clocks ahead one hour.


The hour we lose this weekend, was the one I was planning to go to the gym.

best daylight savings time memes
clocks ahead meme – You can't use daylight savings time to be late when clocks go back!

Don't be late for church! Set your clocks forward, you must.

Set Clocks Ahead Meme – Change at 2:00 am

This is absolutely a brilliant way to adjust your clock after DST!

clocks ahead meme

By the way, just in case you need to know this – on the morning of daylight savings time – clocks change at 2:00 am.

funny meme about 2 am daylight savings
daylight savings spring meme

More Funny Spring Time Change Memes

Maxine knows…

We lost an hour last night but look on the bright side. We're that much closer to happy hour - maxine
Spring Time Change Meme – source:

Tonight we turn our clocks back an hour. That means the microwave will start blinking at 11:00 pm.

maxine day light savings meme

Daylight savings time on Sunday should always be followed by a national holiday on Monday!

Cher Turn Back Time Memes

Oh CHER! Because of her turn back time song, Cher turn back time memes and Daylight savings memes will forever reign.

Spring Cher Daylight Savings Memes

Share this Cher memes before Spring daylight savings – spring forward to make your day more sonny.

spring daylight savings meme cher

You're not turning back time this weekend, you are springing forward. This Cher turn back time meme just kills me! Not enough to be happy about losing an hours worth of sleep, but still.

change clock meme – cher daylight savings image funny

Fall Cher Daylight Savings Memes

Can you really observe the time change without a cher meme about turning back time? I know I can't!

turn back time cher meme
fall cher daylight saving meme

Here is a FALL Daylight Savings meme of share – fall, Cher turn back time!


Don't forget to CHER with your friends!

tun back clock meme cher

Since it's SPRING (despite the frigid temperatures) – in Spring we spring forward – which means we LOSE an hour. In Fall we fall back – meaning we gain an hour. Yes, I like you enjoy fall much better. But on the positive – we will be able to enjoy the sun for an extra hour each day.


We hope you enjoyed these Daylight Savings memes and that your kids don't turn into crazies! Cheers to FALL and BOO to another hour in 2022.

daylight savings times dates 2022
2022 daylight savings meme

2022 Daylight Savings Time Dates FAQ

Here are some common daylight savings questions answered.

2022 daylight savings time dates
2022 daylight saving time dates

When is Daylight Saving Spring 2022?

Sunday, March 13, 2022 is the Spring 2022 daylight savings time date. You will want to move clocks forward – Spring Forward – LOSE AN HOUR! (even worse for parents!)

When is Daylight Saving Time Fall 2022?

Sunday, November 6, 2022 is the Fall 2022 daylight savings time date. Make sure you move clocks back – Fall Back – GAIN AN HOUR! (unless you are a parent, then nope!)

Is It Daylight Savings or Daylight Saving Time?

It's technically Daylight Saving Time which I think is bologna. You do you.

What Time Does Daylight Savings Time Start?

Daylight savings time starts at 2:00 am which means technically on Sunday when you wake up – it will be either an hour ahead or an hour behind.

When Does Daylight Savings Time End?

In spring 2022, daylight savings time ends March 13 at 1:59am CST. In the fall 2022, daylight saving time ends November 6 at 1:59am.

Why Do We Have Daylight Savings?

I agree, this whole changing clocks twice a year is a pain. It screws up my kids (and my own!) schedule, to why do we have daylight savings? Here is a good explanation from

What States Don't Do Daylight Savings?

These states don't do daylights savings: Arizona, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, The Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Share the Memes!

Well there you have it. Our collection of hilarious and funny work memes. Have a great day at work and feel free to share these! Please either tag us on social @digitalmomblog or link back to Share away and make someone's day.

daylight savings time travel meme back to the future
Is daylight savings time a form of time travel (marty mcfly time travel meme)

March is a very meme month, who knew?! Here are more March Memes for this month's meme holidays

March 14th Pi Day Memes – I mean, who doesn't love a nerdy math holiday that foodies can love too?

March 17th St Patricks Day Memes – catch the luck and humor of the Irish.

Until Easter Lent Memes – if you love a little humor mixed with your Lenten season.

March Madness Memes – for you college basketball lovers.

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Have you ever met someone whose love language is memes? Well, hi – we here at Digital Mom Blog are those people. If you too have a love for the funny, enjoy and share these funny memes.

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Daylight Saving Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes
