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How Do You Write the Exprience of Seeing a Pice of Art

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No. fourteen, 1960, oil on canvass, 114-ane/2″ in. ten 105-5/8″.

Mark Rothko, who painted transcendent color fields, stated, "The fact that people pause downward and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I can communicate those basic man emotions… the people who weep earlier my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when painting them."

Georgia O'Keeffe intention was for viewers to see flowers in a new way. She explained, "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I desire to requite that world to someone else… Nobody really sees a flower – actually – it is so small-scale – we haven't fourth dimension – and to come across takes time… So I said to myself – I'll paint what I see – what the flower is to me only I'll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it."

These statements sparked my curiosity nigh how artists may want viewers to respond to their fine art. I posted a question to our subscribers, "What kind of reaction would yous like to get when a viewer beginning sees your artwork? What practise you strive to communicate to others through your art?" I asked them to send me an email with their annotate in 50 words or less. Delight visit the artists' websites to learn more than about them.

Yvonne Welman, Since Leucippos People are Damaged Everywhere by Lust of Power.

"It is said past experts that most people are looking  at paintings for about 7/eight seconds. So I decided to work like a fisherman.  I catch the viewer's eye then I start pulling them in by giving more and more than details to hold their attention, and so they can read the whole story standing close. It is and then exciting and rewarding to run into people continuing for several minutes before my paintings." ~ Yvonne Welman

"Fine art is channeled free energy. Using paint, color, gestural brushstrokes and personal calligraphy, I strive to residual that energy every bit a spiritual practice. Ultimately, I hope my paintings create a break for the viewer to connect with their ain soul, reflect on the mysteries of life – and energetically re-calibrate and reboot." ~ Eugenie Diserio

"My paintings receive totally different responses. My soulful girls paintings encourage a feeling of days gone by as a hopeful and even so insecure teen. Landscapes I create get a totally different response. People honey the vibrancy and challenge my work creates happiness as practice my sometimes confusing abstracts." ~ Carol Stanley ballad-stanley.html

"I want my art to evoke a sense of safety, nourishment, dazzler, and soulfulness. It gives me corking satisfaction to receive that kind of feedback and to know that my creativity has supported healing of body, mind and spirit."  ~ Helena Cooper

"I promise to entice the viewer to take a closer look at my art, to see and feel the beauty of New Mexico's high desert equally I see it. I love when a painting speaks to a viewer and they form a personal connection to a detail piece." ~ Mary Mirabal

"Equally a visual poet, I always promise that my piece of work is accessible to everyone. Art being a viewfinder, a alloy of memory and imagination allowing the viewer a unique manner of seeing the world anew, through art and vice versa. Maybe at present they will wait at their world differently also." ~ Mimi Shapiro

"I desire that my paintings provoke in the viewer outset the sensation of being attracted by them and amazement; then, peace, serenity, by the contemplation. That'southward no easy, considering the people want an instantaneous emotion only I retrieve that we need sometimes stop and breathe and contemplate our world." ~ Cristina del Rosso

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Linda S. Watson, Beneath the Surface

"I desire people to stop of a sudden and stare quietly. I desire them to fall into the colors and shapes and feel my centre. I desire people to realize that they cannot live without my art, that they need to take it dwelling and have it speak to them everyday." ~ Linda S Watson

How practise you lot want viewers to respond to your art? Write a annotate below.

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Do you lot want to add together promotional text to your website, press release, exhibition catalogue, social media posts? Or perhaps you need feedback about your art that will assistance write your creative person's argument? Consider having me write your fine art review. Visit this page for details.

