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20 Carbs a Day Diet Menu

Last Updated on May 4, 2019 by

Salami, Prosciutto and Cheese on a PlateIf you're looking to start a low-carb diet, perhaps you've been looking for some healthy recipes.

This article provides a simple low-carb diet meal plan for seven days and features 21 meals.

In detail, the plan is a relatively high fat and protein diet and contains less than 50g net carbs per day.

No pretenses; there are no gourmet-style gastronomical delights here, and it's all about a simple introductory plan.

However… while the meal plan emphasizes simplicity, there are still many tasty ingredients!

7-Day Low Carb Meal Plan

Below you will find the sample low-carb diet menu for seven days, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas.

Some quick points;

  • You can see the nutrition data for each day; clicking on the image will zoom in without leaving the page.
  • The total amount of food may be too little or too much for you – don't be afraid to monitor satiety and adjust accordingly. While the calorie count varies each day, it levels out over the week at an average of 2000 calories.
  • Condiments are your choice; sodium is low so don't forget to salt your food liberally, and use any condiments or seasonings you desire. However, don't forget that this is a meal plan for low-carb – sweet sauces will ruin it! Tip: Indian spices and Italian herbs are both excellent flavor enhancers.
  • You can see the average daily intake of carbohydrates, fat, and protein at the end. The data also provides the average omega-6 to 3 ratio over the week.
  • The meal plan is designed to be around 50g net carbohydrate or under per day. Feel free to include more or fewer vegetables depending on your target!
  • Keep an open mind; the idea that breakfast has to be cereal or toast is a relatively new idea, and traditional breakfasts were good home-cooked meals. For some ideas, see here; examples of delicious low carb breakfasts.

Reading this guide to how low-carb diets work may also be useful.


Breakfast Serving Size
Bacon 6 slices
Eggs 3 Large
Mushrooms 3oz / 80g
Lunch Serving Size
Cheddar Cheese 2oz / 56g
Almonds 1oz / 28g
Blackberries 3oz / 80g
Dinner Serving Size
Salmon Fillet 8oz / 240g
Spinach 3oz / 80g
Onion 1 Medium

Low Carb Meal Plan Macronutrient and Micronutrient Data - Day 1The first day features the classic low-carb breakfast; bacon and eggs.

As a low-carb meal, this one is hard to beat in the taste department.


Breakfast Serving Size
Omelet 4 Large Eggs
Mozzarella Cheese 2oz / 56g
Onion 1 Medium
Butter 1 pat
Lunch (chicken and avocado salad) Serving Size
Chicken breast 5oz / 140g
Avocado 1
Red Bell Pepper 1 Medium
Beet Greens 3oz / 85g
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 tbsp
Balsamic Vinegar 1 tsp
Dinner Serving Size
Chuck Eye Steak 8oz / 240g
Shiitake Mushrooms 3oz / 80g
Zucchini 1/2 Cup (90g)

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 2

There are plenty of high-protein foods in today's meal plan, which is essential for satiety and appetite regulation.

Also, note that the omega 6 to 3 ratio is a little high…. but don't worry, it's the average over the week that matters.


Breakfast Serving Size
Cheese and Bacon Crustless Quiche 1 Serving (1/4 of quiche)
Lunch (sardine salad) Serving Size
Sardines 5oz / 140g
Romaine Lettuce 1 Cup / 47g
Sliced Tomato 1 Medium
Macadamia Nuts 1oz / 28g
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 tbsp
Green Bell Pepper 1 Medium
Lemon Juice 1/2 Lemon Squeezed
Italian Seasoning 1 tsp
Dinner Serving Size
Beef Liver 5oz / 140g
Onions 1 Medium
Garlic 10 Cloves

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 3

Wednesday starts with a treat in the form of a crustless cheese and bacon quiche. This low-carb breakfast is hard to beat!

Beef liver is probably the most nutrient-dense food that can exist on a low-carb menu.

Although organ meats might look a little scary, they're one of the healthiest things you can eat.


Breakfast Serving Size
Boiled Eggs 4 Large
Swiss Chard 1 Cup / 175g
Butter 1 pat
Beef Sausages 2 Sausages
Lunch Serving Size
Mackerel 6oz / 170g
Brazil Nuts 1oz / 28g
Avocado 1 Medium
Strawberries 3oz / 80g
Dinner Serving Size
Lamb 8oz / 240g
Asparagus 1 Medium
Sweet Potato 1 Medium
Portabello Mushrooms 1 Large

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 4

Avocados are one of those foods that almost everyone loves, and every diet portrays them as health food.

The low carb diet is no different, and avocados provide an enormous amount of beneficial nutrients.

Today isn't a good day if you're a zero carbohydrate fan, but sweet potatoes are an acceptable food for moderate low-carb diets.


Breakfast Serving Size
Whole Milk 10 fl oz / 300ml
Cheddar Cheese 2oz / 56g
Grapefruit 1/2 Fruit
Macadamia Nuts 1oz / 28g
Lunch Serving Size
Sardines 6oz / 170g
Dark Chocolate (90%) 1oz / 28g
Chia seeds 1 Medium
Greek Yogurt 3oz / 80g
Dinner Serving Size
Beef Ribs 8oz / 240g
Brocolli 3oz / 80g
(Butter) 1 pat
Onions 1 Medium
Cremini Mushrooms 3oz / 80g

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 5A meal plan without chocolate would be depressing, and Friday's low carb lunch includes some dark chocolate.

While this one is 90%, the choice is yours – but 85% or over is best!


Breakfast Serving Size
Beef Liver 6oz / 170g
Onions 1 Medium
Garlic 10 Cloves
Spinach 5oz / 140g
Butter 1 Pat
Lunch Serving Size
Almonds 1oz / 28g
Scrambled Eggs 4 Large Eggs
Whole Milk 3 tbsp
Dinner Serving Size
Salami 2oz / 28g
Prosciutto 2oz / 28g
Camembert Cheese 3oz / 85g
Kalamata Olives 20 Olives
Sliced Tomato 1 Medium
Dark Chocolate (90%) 1oz / 28g
Red Wine 5 fl oz / 150ml

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 6

For me, today's low-carb dinner is the best of the week.

This meal is finger food at its best, and the combination of French cheese, cured meats, olives and wine is a great treat.


Breakfast Serving Size
Omelet 4 Large Eggs
Cheddar cheese 2oz / 56g
Avocado 1
Onion 1 Medium
Chives 1oz (28g)
Butter 1 Pat
Lunch Serving Size
Dark Chocolate 1oz / 28g
Macadamia Nuts 1oz / 28g
Glass of Milk 1 fl oz / 300ml
Dinner Serving Size
Herring 8oz / 240g
Swiss Chard 5oz / 140g
Red Bell Pepper 1 Medium
Carrot 1 Medium
Butter 1 Pat
Lemon 1 Small Lemon
Dessert Serving Size
Strawberries 3oz / 85g
Heavy Cream 2 fl oz / 60ml

Nutrient Intake for the Low Carb Meal Plan - Day 7

The last day of the meal plan ends with a delicious low carb dessert – strawberries and cream.

Daily Average Nutrient Intake

This table shows the average daily intake of macronutrients over the full seven days of the meal plan.

Also, the omega-6 to 3 ratio of a diet is very important for optimal health and the table shows the average.

Nutrient Average Per Day (grams)
Total Carbohydrate 63.5
Net Carbohydrate 42.75
Fat 137.7
Protein 133
Total Omega-3 4189mg
Total Omega-6 9055mg
Omega-6 to 3 Ratio 2.16 to 1

Picture of a Lady Grocery Shopping Holding a Green Basket.As shown above, the meal plan provides 42.75g net carbs per day on average. There is a decent amount of fat and protein, and the omega-6 to 3 ratio is slightly over 2:1.

Ingredients For the Meal Plan

Below you can see the foods you will need to follow this meal plan; however, feel free to change, remove or modify ingredients if you wish!

Eggs Bacon
Mushrooms Cheddar Cheese
Almonds Blackberries
Salmon Spinach
Onions Mozzarella Cheese
Butter Chicken Breast
Avocado Bell Peppers
Beet Greens Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar Steak
Mushrooms Zucchini
Sardines Romaine Lettuce
Tomatoes Macadamia Nuts
Lemon Italian Seasoning
Beef Liver Beef Sausages
Mackerel Brazil Nuts
Lamb Strawberries
Asparagus Sweet Potato
Whole Milk Grapefruit
Dark Chocolate Chia Seeds
Greek Yogurt Beef Ribs
Brocolli Salami
Prosciutto Camembert
Olives Red Wine
Chives Herring
Carrots Heavy Cream

While this may be quite an outlay at first, buying in bulk will provide value and means many ingredients will last for several weeks/months.

For more help in knowing what is (and isn't) low-carb, see this guide to cutting carbohydrate intake.

Not Low Carb Foods

If you would like to change a few ingredients, note that the following foods are not low-carb;

  • Beans
  • Biscuits, cakes, cookies, pastries, and other bakery snacks
  • Bread, pasta, rice, rye, and other grains
  • Candy and milk chocolate
  • Fruit; while there are no restrictions, try and emphasize low-sugar fruits like berries.
  • Fruit juices; avoid all juices whether 100% fruit or not.
  • Ice cream
  • Soft drinks and soda
  • Starches very high in carbs such as potatoes; the occasional sweet potato is okay.
  • Sugar of any kind; agave, cane sugar, corn syrup, honey, and maple syrup are all off limits.

The foods to emphasize on low carb are dairy, fish and seafood, fruit, healthy fats, meat, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

Unhealthy Low Carb Food Choices

While the following foods are low-carb, they are not healthy and don't belong in a healthy eating plan;

  • Vegetable oils; corn, canola, soybean, cottonseed, rice bran, sunflower oil, and any other "vegetable oil."
  • Shortening; this industrial fat historically (and sometimes still) contains significant amounts of trans fat, and the 'Crisco' brand products are some of the most famous. Despite various trans-fat free reformulations, this is a highly processed, industrial fat to avoid (1).
  • Margarine; margarine contains harmful compounds such as interesterified fats and trans fat (2, 3)
  • Trans fat; one of the very worst things you can eat – avoid anything listing "partially hydrogenated oil" as an ingredient (4).

What About Drinks?

Smiling Business Man Wearing Formal Shirt Holding Cup of Coffee.

Drinks should be noncaloric on this low carb meal plan.

For instance, the following drinks are perfectly fine;

  • Americano / Black coffee
  • Black tea
  • Green tea
  • Herbal tea (chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint, valerian, etc.)
  • Water

Adding a bit of heavy cream to a black tea or coffee is no problem, providing you use moderation.

For a full look at low carb drink options, see this guide.


It is also possible to consume alcohol if you want, and dry red wine and spirits such as whiskey are the best low-carb options. While light to moderate drinkingmay hold health benefits, moderation is key.

What Snacks Can I Eat?

Personally, I recommend not to snack and to limit food to your daily meals.

However, there is a range of delicious low carb options that you can eat if you feel the need.

Berries and cream, dark chocolate, fruit, and nuts are all healthy and delicious too.

Making smart snack substitutions when first starting low carb can be helpful to some people.

As satiety improves, you can then hopefully transition away from needing them.

Can I Eat Out at Restaurants?

If you are out and about and need a meal, then there are many restaurants which will have low carb options.

Look for meat or fish based dishes with vegetables, be aware of the ingredients, and enjoy the food.

If you need a quick fast-food option, then over recent years more and more fast-food joints are offering healthier choices.

Salad bowls and "bunless burgers" are good choices.

Will a Low Carb Diet Make Me Healthier?

Finally, you may be wondering how a low-carb diet may benefit you.

First, since they emphasize and encourage nutrient-dense real foods, they can significantly improve health.

However, food is not the only thing to consider.

It's important to realize that optimal health depends on our overall lifestyle and not just what we eat.

Some additional things to consider and implement include;

  • Sleep; it's a little-known fact, but how much (or little) we sleep impacts blood sugar levels and our cholesterol profile similar to how our diet does.
  • Exercise; exercise has many great health benefits, makes us stronger, and improves various health markers.
  • Stress; chronic stress hormones can negatively affect various aspects of our health. As a result, managing stress and finding time to relax is important.
  • Social Life; people are usually happier and healthier when they have good relationships with friends and family.

20 Carbs a Day Diet Menu
