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One Level Detached Single Family Home Fairfax Va

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M Marie M.

  • Rental Property Investor
  • Washington, DC
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M Marie M.

  • Rental Property Investor
  • Washington, DC

Replied Oct xviii 2015, 07:xx

In DC Ditto produces some interesting stuff. I was walking past their 5/Q project and thought how they reconfigured things was a clever use of space every bit I remember what was on that lot before. They managed to put in some million dollar condos, all which go parking and individual roof decks.

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Replied Oct 28 2015, 12:38

I've worked a TON with builders over the years and was a market place research annotator for Stanley Martin homes from 2005-2009.  In that part, I had a lot of interesting experiences walking hundreds of homes and did a lot of analysis of various builders.  The information might be dated, but here are my general thoughts:

Stanley Martin- Generally a step up from a production builder, but some of the exterior design elements were not as good as other builders.  I call back the elevations for some designs were a bit weak. Skilful client service.

Ryan Homes/ Thousand. Hovnanian/ NV Homes/ Lennar/ Centex- Classic production builders.  Quality was fine, only they are focused on doing volume, and so there options for finishes might exist a bit limited in some cases. Don't expect to go any "custom" work done. Not going to happen.  They are all pretty much the same, from my perspective.  Some might exercise more of 1 type of home than another, or specialize in a certain price point or age group, but they generally will have similar quality materials and designs.

KB- They are primarily southern state builders and this is reflected in their plans. When they first came to our market, they didn't design well for our climate at all. It was really, really bad. Stucco all over the place. They came in at the exact wrong fourth dimension and gave up on our market for a few years. One time it strengthened, they came dorsum. I oasis't walked one in years, so I don't know if they even so have their former design issues or not...

Merrick- Rules the roost in Southern Dr.. Generally good quality, very standard/ classic floor plans. Their designs were e'er less modern than that of builders closer to DC.

Miller & Smith/ Winchester Homes- Nifty designs, very innovative. Quality of construction might be a flake weaker (Miller & Smith more than Winchester), but they do interesting designs and very nice elevations.

Pulte- VERY focused on client satisfaction. Product builder but they do a very good chore w/ JD Ability surveys and they stress that a lot with their clients. Designs are like to other production builders, just they generally avert some of the more stupid blueprint flaws that other builders might take in a plan.

Toll Brothers- Pricing/ negotiation for them is harder to get competitive, since they are in Planned Unit Developments and mostly they won't advertise incentives/ discounts as much as the other builders. It's difficult to get a sense of a good deal westward/ them. During the downturn, they didn't lower prices, unlike every other architect around. Toll Brothers plans tend to be traditional and they are non super innovative. I have a few folks that live in their PUDs and the HOA rules are actually hard.... read that carefully if you consider a PUD.

Smaller local builders- These mostly were all pretty similar. You'll pay a price premium, because they can't get the aforementioned prices from suppliers as the big guys... yet, they frequently will offering more than interesting plans/ elevations than a production builder.  They are much more probable to be doing small lot, in-fill jobs.  The larger builders won't bother with sites below a certain size.

Banker Virginia (#225189203), Maryland (#657217), and District of Columbia (#BR98375755)

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William Allen

  • Investor / Wholesaler
  • Nashville, TN
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Replied Oct 28 2015, 12:51

Isn't DR Horton coming to that area now every bit well, or maybe they are already edifice there. Very prevalent down hither in the panhandle of Florida.

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Replied October 28 2015, 13:06

@William Allen DR Horton is in our market also. They aren't a big player though, I've walked their construction in Prince William Canton, Virginia.  Information technology wasn't anything special from what I've seen... I'd place them with the other production builders, and would probably say their quality is lower than some of the local firms.  Our price point is considerably college than what they exercise in many of their other markets, so they tend to be a bit cheap feeling.  That's the biggest issue I've noticed with builders that are more than national in scale.

Broker Virginia (#225189203), Maryland (#657217), and District of Columbia (#BR98375755)

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Replied November xx 2015, 03:29

We're about to purchase a home from ane of the builders listed above. I did an online review search and Ryan/Hovnanian come up upward very poorly compared to the other companies you listed. Notwithstanding the majority of reviews are from other parts of the country than my market. At that place's no mention of them on BP other than your review. Any thoughts? I don't know enough most structure to check the quality of products and workmanship.

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Replied Nov twenty 2015, 03:30

Oops. Forgot to mention that before mail is directed at Elizabeth Nourse's response above though I welcome any input.

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Replied Nov 20 2015, 12:xi

@Michael Showalter

Sure- happy to help. If I had to pick between those two, I'd probably go with Ryan, merely it's a shut phone call.  They are all production builders and aren't going to be using fantastic materials. Things like screwing the plywood under the floor, versus just nailing is just one example.  The nicer builders will spiral it, and then it keeps the flooring more than fifty-fifty and reduces squeaks. The production guys don't carp.  There are many things like that- too much to list, but if you lot want to go more details feel free to reach out (only if you don't have an agent already- I don't want to take someone else's customer! :) ).

The main thing is you want to make sure yous understand the contract with the architect in a VERY loftier level of item.  If you have an agent, get them to really read information technology and explicate equally of information technology to you lot (if they don't do builder business a lot, buy an hr from an attorney if you can. It's cheap compared to the investment).  There are things you tin work into these deals which can protect you a chip more, but y'all have to enquire and structure information technology right. Some builders volition practice more than others.....

At that place are likewise proprietary information services which provide stats on private builders and their projects. I have access to those and they assist effigy out the pace the project has been selling at and how much the builder might try to discount/ offer other things non mentioned by the sales rep.  The upgrades are generally quite marked upwards too. Endeavour to discover out which ones yous can do cheaper yourself prior to making your selections to avoid paying 50% or event 100% more than than yous should! (I tin can assist west/ this too if yous want).  Try to get a sense for the other businesses they are selling yous too- the financing is incentives but can exist marked up.  Information technology pays to be careful nigh mortgage/ title/ insurance services also if those are offered. :)

Promise that helps you!!!

Banker Virginia (#225189203), Maryland (#657217), and District of Columbia (#BR98375755)

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Replied Nov 20 2015, 17:05

That was tremendously helpful. I do have an agent and I appreciate y'all existence sensitive to that. Gives me lots of questions to enquire both my agent in preparation equally well equally the sales rep. In your experience, do builders offering locations of developments they've done in the past. For instance, could I discover a series of similar houses built 5 years ago past the same builder and go ask the owners almost the quality and durability? Thanks again for responding.

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Russell Brazil

  • Real Estate Agent
  • Washington, D.C.
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ModeratorReplied Nov xx 2015, 17:37

Michael It is a great idea to look at some of their workids from a few years ago. I just did this with a client looking to purchase a Miller & Smith home. We were able to meet that their base laminate flooring after but a few years was already showing lots of signs of wear. My client still went with them, just chose to upgrade the flooring considering of this. We were also able to point to the resale unit of measurement with the bad flooring to go the price of the upgraded floor at a much more reasonable price than their initial quote.

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Replied Nov 22 2015, 18:53

@Michael Showalter

Glad to be able to help.  When I worked in abode building, we didn't offer anything like that but I can't speak for other builders.  It's not a bad idea.  Mostly though, just enquiry the materials and finishes a bit online. Their design studio should exist able to give you the specifics for them and yous tin read online reviews.  For example, Stanley Martin switched from GE to Maytag appliances while I was there- and Maytag wasn't every bit reliable.  I recall they switched back not that long after... so even reviews like that can help you decide what to upgrade.
On a side annotation, I walked a Thousand Hov business firm built two years ago in Loudoun on Saturday.  It was in great shape and looked very nice. The owners were very happy with it- only I should note that they put a LOT into it and upgraded everything. They didn't have any of the base finishes in the unabridged house I think.

Good luck!


Broker Virginia (#225189203), Maryland (#657217), and Commune of Columbia (#BR98375755)

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Replied February 26 2020, 10:17

How skillful is Dan Ryan homes? Is it worth to get an Stanley Martin home? I am stuck between these ii home to buy

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Replied February 27 2020, 18:00

Heard good things about Dan Ryan.
