Without a doubt, reviews almost your services are of import to your long term success as a wedding pro. Because, in an age where newly engaged couples are inundated with options nigh who to hire for their wedding, your reviews can help you stand out from the oversupply. From first hand accounts about what it is like to work with y'all to stories about how you saved the 24-hour interval, client reviews aid the people perusing your Storefronts sympathize more than virtually who yous are as a person too as a service provider. But, just because they are important doesn't mean everything is direct forward or that you lot don't have questions. So today, we wanted to circular upward the details well-nigh what yous need to know about reviews on The Knot and WeddingWire. Nosotros know you're wondering—read on for the answers.

When should you ask for reviews?

If there is one question that almost every hymeneals pro will ask, information technology is, " When should I ask my wedding clients for reviews ?" And, we empathise why this is a fleck of a complicated answer—your couple did just become married after all. And so, when information technology comes downward to getting the timing correct, the sweet spot is about 2 weeks afterwards their nuptials considering it's far enough out to give them some space to go on celebrating simply not and so far out that they accept forgotten almost their experience working with y'all.

Pro-tip:  Always wondered exactly what you should say when asking for reviews? Get our ultimate reviews template toolkit (that includes re-create and paste examples!) to help you enquire (and get) brand-building reviews that help you sell.

Should you enquire your couples to go out reviews on both The Knot and WeddingWire?

Yep, and here'south why—information technology is important to exist building your brand on both The Knot and WeddingWire regardless of which Storefront your newly married couple contacted you through. That's considering millions of newly engaged couples head straight to The Knot and WeddingWire to start their nuptials planning inquiry every twelvemonth, and yous want your profile to exist current (and compelling) on both. The key is to make sure your couples leave you a unique review on each of your Storefronts; copying and pasting reviews can have a negative touch on your SEO (pregnant information technology'll be harder to go plant past couples). And so, if your couples are writing reviews on The Knot and WeddingWire, ask them to share something different on each 1.

Pro-tip: Working for a v-star review starts the moment you start interacting with a couple (fifty-fifty earlier they have booked you lot). Become our tips to assistance you go a great review earlier the wedding day even arrives .

Can you share your reviews on your website?

The answer is another enthusiastic yes! It is just important to not copy and paste them from your Storefronts (for the same SEO reasons as above) and that's why nosotros've fabricated it easy to add a review widget to your website. To add your WeddingWire reviews to your website, only:

  • Log into your account and click on the "Reviews" tab
  • Click on "Reviews Widget" in the left sidebar carte du jour
  • Choose the widget colour y'all desire
  • Copy and paste the HTML code into your website. It will display your three most recent reviews

 To add your reviews on The Knot to your website:

  • Log into your business relationship and c lick on the "For Your Website" tab
  • Copy and paste the HTML code for the "Couples Love Us!" badge into your website. The badge make it piece of cake for your potential couples to click over to your Storefront and read your reviews

Pro-tip: Your website is just one of the places you tin put your reviews to work. Larn more about the other ways yous can market your wedding business with reviews .

How tin you lot be eligible for Best of Weddings and Couples' Choice Awards ® ?

If you have e'er wanted to win Best of Weddings on The Knot or a Couples' Choice Accolade ® on WeddingWire, you are in the correct place because your reviews are essential to your entry. And, while nosotros inverse the eligibility requirements for All-time of Weddings during COVID, information technology is important to know what they volition exist for this adjacent round.

  • You volition demand to have 5 new reviews on your The Knot Storefront to exist eligible for Best of Weddings
  • You lot will demand to have v new reviews on your WeddingWire Storefront to be eligible for Couples' Pick Awards ®

This year, yous'll have more time to collect reviews to win Best of Weddings! The reviews you received (and will receive) between November 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021 will assistance yous to be eligible to win a Best of Wedding Honour. The time catamenia for Couples' Option Awards ® is January ane, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

We're always hither to help when it comes to building your business, marketing your brand, and making sure you are getting the most out of your Storefronts. If you accept more than questions about rounding upward reviews, click through to this piece that answers more questions virtually reviews you lot might exist asking.

Photograph Credit: Kate Preftakes Photography