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The all-time website builder for artists in 2022

Woman sat at desk painting
(Paradigm credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

The all-time website builder for artists offers an constructive way to have your practice to the next level. Because let's face it, if you desire to expect professional, you lot demand a website of your own. An Instagram account or Behance page are fine as far as they become, but if that'due south all yous have, it looks a chip non-expert. And like it or non, artists that look professional tend to control more commissions and higher prices overall.

Having your own website is also much more satisfying for you as an artist, besides. It means you lot have ultimate control of how your work is presented online; the digital equivalent having your ain gallery in the physical world. You're able to clearly categorise your output, making it easier for clients, collaborators and potential buyers to notice what they're looking for, as well as biographical information, contact details and anything else you lot're keen to share.

And expert news: the best website architect for artists lets you create your ain website without knowing annihilation almost code. Just selection a template you like the look of, add your own content, and customise it to go far simply right for you.

In the following article, we've listed the best website builders for artists in 2022. Each platform offers something slightly different, but they all do a great job of allowing y'all to feature large images, giving your art lots of space to exhale on screens big and minor.

Our choice covers a range of budgets, and we outline all the facts and figures yous need to make your conclusion, along with pros and cons of each platform. That said, if you're not an artist, y'all might prefer our full general guide to the best website architect.

Tiptop 3: the best website builder for artists

The best website builders for artists 2022

Homepage of Squarespace, one of the best website builders for artists, showing example website CB

(Image credit: Squarespace / Ingram Publishing via Getty)

The all-time website builder for artists overall.


Free trial: fourteen days

Gratuitous version: No

Customer support: 24/7 email, live chat Monday-Friday: 4am-8pm EDT

Reasons to buy


Beautiful templates


Focus on creatives


Good ecommerce features

Reasons to avoid


Slight learning curve

In theory, having your own website gives you ulimate control over how your work is presented online. However, if you lot lack design and coding skills, you're express to using the templates that are available. So you'll be looking for the platform with the virtually cute templates. And Squarespace wins that competition hands down, making it our pick at the best website builder for artists today.

Aimed specifically at creatives such as artists, illustrators and photographers, Squarespace goes to great pains to allow you to present your portfolio in manner. Its templates are crafted by professional designers, and they really are lovely. You lot don't need to know anything about coding: but pick a template, and so drag and drop your images and text into information technology.

Admittedly, Squarespace's interface isn't the easiest to use: in that location's a bit of a learning bend involved. But you lot do get helpful communication popular-ups wherever you hover your cursor, and then it doesn't accept too long to get upwardly to speed.

Squarespace is one of the more than expensive web builders on our listing. But if you want your website to wait the best it can be, nosotros reckon it's worth the extra greenbacks. You lot also have the pick of adding a web log or add together an online store to sell your prints and other items. So in theory it should pay for itself, and more as well, over time.

There'southward no free program, but Squarespace does offer a 14-day complimentary trial, with no credit card needed, then you won't get charged accidentally by forgetting to cancel the trial. For more details, meet our Squarespace review and our comparison of Squarespace vs Wix (the side by side on our list).

Homepage of Wix, one of the best website builders for artists, featuring smiling woman

(Prototype credit: Wix / Ingram Publishing via Getty)

The best website builder for artists on a upkeep.


Free trial: xiv days

Free version: Aye

Customer support: Submit ticket or request callback 24/7

Reasons to buy


Depression prices


Easy to utilize


Good free version

Reasons to avoid


No specific focus on art

The $12 / £10 a calendar month that Squarespace charges on its basic plan isn't a swell deal, especially when y'all consider how much extra coin your own artist website could potentially make you. Just if your budget won't stretch that far, then Wix has a basic program at a more affordable $viii.50 / £half dozen.fifty a calendar month, that's worth investigating.

Different Squarespace (above), Wix is not specifically aimed at creatives, but at the mass market place. And its templates tend to be functional rather than beautiful. But if you're interested in saving money, that may exist a compromise you're willing to brand, specially considering that its interface is easier to use than Squarespace's. (For more details, run across our Squarespace vs Wix comparison).

Wix's drag-and-drop editor offers more than 800 templates, including a lot of fine art-focused templates to cull from, many of them for specific things such as art lensman, illustrator, art gallery, and so on. And if fifty-fifty that's too complicated, yous tin have the ultra-easy route of using Wix ADI, where you reply questions and the platform just designs a website for yous (JimDo, number half dozen on our listing, offers a like approach).

In short, this is all-time cheap website architect for artists today, and there's even a 'Free forever' option that will give yous a basic website for no toll at all. Be warned, though, that your site will be plastered with ads, yous'll have a Wix-branded URL, and storage and bandwidth will be limited. To learn more, cheque out this selection of creative person websites created with Wix, and our Wix review.

Homepage of Shopify, one of the best website builders for artists, featuring male dancer

(Image credit: Shopify / Ingram Publishing via Getty)

The best website architect for artists who want to sell to fans.


Free trial: 14 days

Free version: No

Customer support: 24/7 phone, electronic mail, live chat

Reasons to buy


First-class ecommerce features


Splendid customer support


Like shooting fish in a barrel to utilize

Reasons to avoid


More expensive than competitors


Only a few gratuitous templates

If your main interest in having a website is to sell paintings, prints and other artworks direct to the public, we recommend Shopify. The website builder that's well-nigh focused on creating due east-stores, Shopify is fundamentally geared towards helping you lot become a successful online retailer, whether y'all're selling other people's products or your own.

Shopify has some nice looking templates, the interface is piece of cake to apply, and it offers all the ecommerce features you can milkshake a stick at. Be warned: unlike Squarespace or Wix, most of the templates aren't gratuitous, and the service as a whole is on the pricey side. That said, if it helps you sell more than, then that extra cost should exist worth information technology in the long term.

The platform offers first-class technical support, its payment system works with a diverseness of providers, and you go a huge range of options for customising your shop. Acquire more in our Shopify review, and our comparison of Wix vs Shopify.

Homepage of Voog, one of the best website builders for artists, featuring smiling woman

(Image credit: Voog / Ingram Publishing via Getty)

The best website builder for artists seeking fine control.


Costless trial: thirty days

Gratis version: No

Client support: 24/7 via phone, email, live chat

Reasons to buy


Very customisable


Good blogging features


Good customer support

Reasons to avert


Learning curve

Do you take a lot of time to perfect your fine art, painstakingly working on every minute detail until you go information technology correct? Then the chances are, you'll desire to practice the same with your website, and won't be satisfied with only dropping in your images into a pre-built template. In which case, if you're prepared to put a little time and effort, Voog is the best website builder for you.

Voog has quite a limited number of templates, but they're very well-designed and look impressive on all desktop, tablet and smartphone screens alike. And more importantly, you get a huge range of options for customising them to your heart'due south content, peculiarly when information technology comes to blogging and ecommerce.

You still don't need to understanding coding to exercise and so, although if y'all do, at that place are some keen database and API tools to assistance yous tweak things further. Either manner, if yous have bug, back up is bachelor 24/7 via alive chat, e-mail, and phone.

Some other distinctive feature Voog offers is setting your site to be bachelor in multiple languages. You can either set the language to change automatically depending on a visitor'southward location, or permit them to pick the language themselves. Either way, if yous want to promote your art beyond the English speaking world – and art is a universal language, later all – this could show very useful. See our Voog review for more than.

Homepage of Bluehost, one of the best website builders for artists, showing man making food

(Epitome credit: Voog / Ingram Publishing via Getty / Bluehost)

The all-time website builder for artists who know WordPress.


Free trial: 30 days

Free version: No

Client support: 24/vii via phone, email, live chat

Reasons to buy


Good value


Use WordPress plugins


No inbuilt ads

Reasons to avoid


No free option

WordPress is website edifice software that powers around a tertiary of the web. And if you accept some familiarity with information technology, and then Bluehost is well worth considering.

Bluehost doesn't but offer some of the all-time web hosting, it also offers its own website builder. And what'southward unlike is that it runs on top of WordPress. So once you lot've built your site using the easy-to-apply elevate-and-drop editor, y'all have many options to finesse things further using ane of the thousands of WordPress plugins.

On the basic plan, Bluehost's web builder isn't as inexpensive every bit those of rivals like Wix. But and then over again, on those cheap plans yous'll get ads and clunky domain names. So if you lot want a professional look for your site, Bluehost represents good value. Especially if you want ecommerce features, which are a lot cheaper than Wix has to offer. For more, see our Bluehost spider web builder review.

Homepage of Jimdo, one of the best website builders for artists, featuring flower-selling site

(Image credit: Jimdo / Ingram Publishing via Getty)

The best website builder for artists who aren't tech-savvy.


Costless trial: No

Free version: Yes

Customer support: Via contact class

Reasons to buy


Easy wizard for newbies


Code widgets for devs

Reasons to avoid


Templates are bones


Support is limited

As nosotros said earlier, you don't demand to understand code to apply any of these website builders. Simply maybe yous're an artist who generally finds using computers and spider web technologies intimidating and difficult? If that'due south the case, Jimdo is a swell option when it comes to ease of utilise for beginners.

Anyone tin can use this website builder to get a site up and running: information technology really couldn't become much simpler. Because yous don't actually accept to build the site yourself: the arrangement will automatically do it for you.

Here's how it works. You start creating your site without committing whatever coin or supplying a credit carte – just cull the 'free' option when yous get to the payment page. So Jimdo will enquire you a series of questions nearly what you want your website to exercise.

You can respond to (or skip) a series of prompts that makes it super-like shooting fish in a barrel to practice things similar change the fonts and add together your own images and text. This guided approach makes Jimdo great for those for whom even a template-driven platform like Squarespace is overwhelming. (Wix, number two on our list, offers a similar approach via its Wix ADI service).

Yes, Jimdo's templates are pretty basic and not exactly beautiful. But if yous want something quick and piece of cake, that may exist a compromise you're willing to make. That said, Jimdo isn't just for newbies. If y'all know how to code, you tin can install widgets that let you to alter the HTML and CSS of the templates.

On the negative side, Jimdo lacks live conversation or phone back up, so if you go stuck, you lot take to fill in a form. And you can't expect the fastest response unless you're on the most expensive programme. See our Jimdo review for more.

Do you need a website equally an artist?

No artist needs a website. Indeed some established artists make a healthy living through word-of-oral fissure, and don't take any digital presence at all. Merely if yous don't already have patrons funding you or commissions flowing in from existing customers, and y'all need to promote yourself and your art, having your own website can assistance enormously.

Yes, you could showcase your work on a social media platform like Instagram, just people are going to take you less seriously. On your own website, conversely, y'all can choose how your piece of work is presented, who comments on information technology, and brand it easy for people to find exactly what they're looking for. Plus potential customers and clients won't be distracted past all those pesky numbers for followers and likes which, although we don't like to admit it, practise influence our view of creatives to an unhealthy caste.

What is a website architect?

A website builder is an online service that y'all access via a browser, which allows you to build your own website. Most of these services are available as monthly or annual subscriptions, and will ordinarily include hosting for your site and a domain name. Once y'all've signed upwards, y'all'll usually gain access to an interface that allows you to arts and crafts spider web pages using templates and a elevate-and-drop editor. Essentially, y'all just need to choice a template and add your ain text, images, videos and and so on.

What'due south the best website builder for artists?

In our view, the best website builder for artists is Squarespace, considering it's specifically aimed at creatives and has the virtually beautiful templates. This means your work tin can displayed in the best possible light, with lots of white space that allows your art to breathe. The interface is likewise relatively easy to use, the service is good value (if non the cheapest on the market), and there are splendid ecommerce tools if you want to sell prints or similar items.

What should I include on my creative person website?

Whether y'all're seeking to concenter buyers, clients or employers, it'south important that your online portfolio only contains your best piece of work. Aye, it'southward tempting to load it up with everything y'all have available, to make it look like y'all're prolific. But about people aren't going to have the fourth dimension and patience to endlessly scroll until they see something they like. So yous take to be ruthless, and skin information technology down to the bare minimum. Most chiefly, if you're looking for commissions, option the kind of piece of work y'all want to exercise in the future.

You'll as well need an 'About me' page, then people know who y'all are and what makes your fine art unlike, and a 'Contact me' folio so they tin go in touch. For more advice, read our article 10 tips for a killer blueprint portfolio.

What'southward the all-time costless website builder for artists?

The best website builders all toll money, but some of them practise have free plans. These are usually very limited in terms of storage and bandwidth, so you lot won't be able to load many high-res images, and not that many people volition be able to visit your site at in one case. Your site will also be plastered with ads, and have a clunky, branded URL. So as a long-term solution, they're non recommended.

That said, it can be a good way to go started edifice your own website. If that idea attracts y'all, nosotros recommend Wix, as it's free plan is pretty expert, and when you make up one's mind to upgrade, its paid plans are quite cheap besides.

What'due south the best cheap website builder for artists?

If you lot're looking for a cheap website architect for artists, Wix is our meridian pick. Although information technology's not specifically aimed at artists, it is very easy to utilize, with a great drag-and-drop interface based on 800+ templates. Plus its cheapest plans are cheap indeed. Watch out for the small impress, though: as with well-nigh spider web builder services, the price will spring in your second year, so make sure you tin can accept that hitting before signing up.

How can artists build an online store?

The easiest fashion for artists who don't know code to build an online store is using Shopify. This website builder platform makes it piece of cake to gear up a website and add a store to information technology. This volition allow you to listing products such as paintings, drawings, prints, books and more, and sell them directly to the public. You'll exist have payments from a multifariousness of payment providers, and there are also marketing tools to help promote your work. There are countless other features to assistance customise your shop, including integrating it with your social media accounts. Overall, you'll pay more than with other website builders, but the actress income may potentially more than recoup for that.

Related content:

  • The best website builders for photographers
  • The best cloud storage services
  • Top spider web design tools to assistance you lot piece of work smarter

Tom May is an award-winning journalist and editor specialising in pattern, photography and engineering science. Author of the Amazon #1 bestseller Smashing TED Talks: Inventiveness, published by Pavilion Books, Tom was previously editor of Professional person Photography magazine, associate editor at Creative Bloq, and deputy editor at net mag. Today, he is a regular correspondent to Creative Bloq and its sister sites Digital Camera World, and Tech Radar. He also writes for Artistic Blast and works on content marketing projects.

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