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my wrists are swollen and hurt what can i do to make them better

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Wrist pain is a common complaint for many people, although it has quite a few different causes. Information technology's often caused by ligament sprains from modest trauma, although other reasons include repetitive stress, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, gout and os fractures.[i] Because wrist pain has so many factors, accurate diagnosing is important for determining the most effective treatment. Regardless, caring for wrist hurting at home is like no matter the cause.

  1. 1

    Rest your injured wrist. If you notice pain in one or both of your wrists, accept a intermission from the aggravating activity and rest for a few minutes, hours or even days depending on the trigger of the pain. In addition to residuum, keep your wrist elevated above the level of your heart as much equally you can to help prevent swelling / inflammation from developing.[2]

    • Taking a fifteen minute break at work may be all that's needed to reduce the irritation in your wrist if you do repetitive tasks, such as working every bit a cashier or constantly typing on a reckoner.
    • Serious trauma to your wrist, either at work or from playing sports, requires more rest and a doctor's examination (see below).
  2. 2

    Change your work station. A meaning proportion of mild-to-moderate wrist hurting is caused by repetitive tasks at work or abode. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an instance of a repetitive stress injury to the wrist that irritates the main nerve running into the manus. To combat repetitive strains / sprains, make adjustments to your work environs, such as: lower your keyboard so your wrists are not extended upward while you type, suit your chair so that your forearms are parallel to the floor, and use an ergonomic typing pad, mouse and split keyboard.[3]

    • Symptoms of CTS include aching, burning, numbness or tingling sensations in your hand and wrist palm, as well equally weakness and reduced dexterity.
    • People who do lots of computer work, cashier jobs, dissonance sports, sewing, painting, writing and working with vibrating tools are at higher adventure for CTS and other repetitive strain injuries.


  3. three

    Wear a wrist splint. Some other helpful strategy for preventing and relieving most types of wrist hurting is wearing specially designed wrist splints (as well called supports or braces).[4] Wrist splints come in many sizes and are fabricated of dissimilar materials, simply all are designed to salve wrist hurting. Depending on your job / lifestyle, y'all may want to start with a less restrictive one (made of neoprene, for example) that allows more motion, instead of a stiffer variety that'due south more supportive and restrictive.

    • You may only accept to wear the wrist splint(due south) during the day while at work or at the gym to protect your wrists.
    • However, some people as well demand to article of clothing the splints at night in social club to keep their wrists in an extended position, which prevents irritation of nerves and blood vessels. This is mutual with people dealing with CTS or arthritis.
    • Wrist splints can exist purchased at nigh pharmacies and all medical supply stores. If you ask, your dr. might provide you i at no cost.
  4. iv

    Apply water ice to the virtually tender area. Wrist hurting from sudden trauma, such equally falling on an outstretched hand or lifting something likewise heavy, causes immediate pain, inflammation and potential bruising. An effective way of relieving this kind of wrist pain is to use cold therapy as soon as possible because it reduces / prevents swelling and helps to numb the pain.[5]

    • Types of advisable cold therapy for the wrist include crushed ice, ice cubes, common cold gel packs and small numberless of frozen veggies (or fruit) from your freezer.
    • Apply cold therapy to the most tender and inflamed office of your wrist for most 10 to 15 minutes at a time, every 60 minutes, for approximately five hours post injury for best results.
    • Whichever type of cold therapy you apply, don't put it directly onto the peel of your wrist. Instead, wrap it in a thin cloth or towel first in gild to foreclose frostbite.
  5. 5

    Take over-the-counter (OTC) medication. Regardless if your wrist hurting is acute (from a sudden injury) or chronic (lasting for more than a few months), taking OTC medication can be helpful for hurting control and allowing more functionality and range of movement. OTC anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, are oft more effective for acute wrist hurting because they combat both pain and inflammation.[6] On the other hand, painkillers such as acetaminophen are more advisable for chronic problems like arthritis.

    • Short term utilise of OTC anti-inflammatories and painkillers (less than two weeks at a time) is recommended to avoid common side effects, such equally tummy irritation, intestinal upset and reduced organ role (liver, kidneys).
    • Don't combine anti-inflammatories and painkillers at the same time, and always follow the dosing information on the packaging for the safest results.
  6. 6

    Practise some stretching and strengthening. As long as your wrist isn't broken or severely inflamed, do some flexibility and strengthening exercises every twenty-four hours in order to forestall and gainsay wrist pain.[7] Increasing the flexibility and forcefulness in the ligaments and tendons of your wrists enables them to withstand more "wear and tear" from your job and working out. And with CTS, stretching will take the pressure off the median nervus that innervates the muscles of the manus.

    • An constructive extension-type stretch for the wrists involves striking a pray position with both of your palms together. Then raise your elbows upwardly until y'all feel a prissy stretch in your wrists. Concord for about thirty seconds and practise it 3 to 5 times daily for best results.
    • Wrist strengthening tin can be done with calorie-free complimentary weights (less than 10 pounds) or rubber bands / tubing. Hold your easily out with your palms facing up and grip the weights or handles of the tubing. Then flex your wrists towards your body confronting the tension.
    • Always stretch and strengthen both wrists together at the aforementioned time, even if only ane is pain you. Both sides should have similar strength and flexibility regardless of which paw is more dominant.


  1. one

    Make an appointment with your physician. If your wrist hurting lasts for more than than a week or you are in astringent pain, make an appointment with your family doctor for a examination. Your doc may take x-rays to see if your wrist bones are cleaved, confused, infected or arthritic. Your doctor may too take a blood test to rule out an infection, gout or inflammatory types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.[8]

    • Signs of a broken or dislocated wrist include: astringent pain, significantly reduced range of move, unnatural angles (crooked) and widespread swelling and bruising.[nine]
    • Fractures tin occur in the small bones of your wrist (carpals) or at the ends of your forearm bones (radius and ulna). Skid and falls and punching solid objects are common causes of wrist fractures.
    • Bone infections of the wrist are rare, simply do happen in illicit drug users and can be triggered past trauma. Astringent hurting, swelling, peel discoloration, nausea and a fever are signs of a os infection.
  2. 2

    Take stronger prescription medications. For more serious injuries and more avant-garde or serious forms of arthritis, stronger prescription medication may exist needed longer term to manage the pain and inflammation in your wrist(s).[10] Examples of prescription not-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include: diclofenac, Fenoprofen, indomethacin. COX-two inhibitors, such as Celebrex, are a slightly unlike types of NSAID that are a little easier on the stomach.

    • Osteoarthritis of the wrist is the "wear and tear" blazon and typically causes stiffness, achy pain and grinding sounds with motility. Rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist is much more than painful, inflamed and disfiguring.
    • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are able to gainsay some forms of inflammatory arthritis by suppressing your immune organisation.
    • Biologic response modifiers (biologics) are another type of prescription drug used for rheumatoid arthritis, only they must be injected. They also work by altering the function of your allowed organization.
  3. three

    Ask about steroidal injections. Another blazon of anti-inflammatory medication is corticosteroids, which tin can be taken by pill, simply they are normally injected into the wrist if the pain doesn't go away after a few months.[11] Corticosteroids gainsay swelling and pain chop-chop and effectively, but they tin cause weakening in the tendons and bones of the wrist. Equally such, treatments are limited to iii to 4 injections per year typically.

    • Severe tendonitis, bursitis, CTS, stress fractures and flare-ups of inflammatory arthritis are all reasons to consider a corticosteroid injection.
    • The process is quick and tin be washed by your doctor. Results are often felt within minutes and can be dramatic, at least for a few weeks or months.
  4. 4

    Get a referral for physiotherapy. If y'all wrist pain is chronic and besides involves weakness, your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist in gild to teach you tailored and specific stretches and exercises.[12] They may likewise mobilize your joints to prevent them from getting also stiff, which is beneficial for osteoarthritis. Physical therapy is also very helpful for rehabilitating your wrist after any surgical process.[13]

    • Your physical therapist may likewise use electronic machines to help with strengthening and pain relief, such as muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound and TENS devices.
    • Physiotherapy treatments are normally 3x per calendar week and concluding for 4-6 weeks for about chronic issues of the wrist.
  5. v

    Consider surgery if demand exist. In some serious cases of wrist pain, surgery may exist necessary, particularly to repair severely broken basic, dislocated joints, torn tendons and tight ligaments. For significant bone fractures, your surgeon may need to use metal hardware in your wrist, such equally plates, pins and screws.[14]

    • Near surgeries of the wrist are performed arthroscopically, which is a long, small cutting tool with a camera on the end.[15]
    • Smaller stress or hairline fractures of the wrist typically don't need surgery -- they are either casted or braced for a few weeks.
    • Carpal tunnel surgery is relatively mutual and involves cutting into the wrist and/or hand to relieve pressure on the median nerve. Recovery fourth dimension can be upwards to 6 weeks.


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  • Reduce the likelihood of falling onto an outstretched hand by wearing sensible shoes, removing domicile hazards, lighting upward your living infinite and installing catch bars in your bathroom.[16]

  • Wearable protective wrist guards and other gear for loftier-take a chance sports, such equally football, snowboarding and rollerblading.

  • People who are pregnant, menopausal, overweight and/or diabetic are at higher risk of CTS.

  • Women who don't get plenty calcium (significantly less than 1,000mg daily) are at college run a risk of wrist fractures from osteoporosis.



  • Get emergency care immediately if your wrist is misshapen, bleeding or tin't exist moved without astringent hurting.

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Article Summary X

If yous're experiencing wrist hurting, in that location are a few things you can do to salve information technology at domicile. Rest your wrist as much as possible until it gets better. If you need to utilize your hands to work, have regular breaks. You tin can likewise stretch your easily and wrists to save your pain, as long equally they're not broken or sprained. For wrist pain from typing or doing other repetitive tasks, make your work space more comfy with wrist rests or an ergonomic keyboard. For inflammation and bruising, apply a bag of frozen vegetables or ice wrapped in a towel to it for 10 minutes a few times a day. If you accept severe pain or your wrist withal hurts after a week, visit your doctor so they can test for underlying conditions. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to use a wrist splint, read on.

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