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Rotg Fanfic Jack Sees His Sister Again


Jack, I'1000 scared.


—Jack's sister, to Jack Frost

Mary [iii] is Jack Frost'south sister, who appears one time Jack reclaims his memory during his time in the snowy mountain'south scissure. The scene first moves onto his mother bidding him and his sis a safe trip. It then cuts to Jack ushering his sister to stay still, who was continuing on the sparse and cracked ice of the swimming.

He persuades her to recall of the situation as a game of hopscotch and to slowly motility inch past inch. Jack saves her and instead accidentally maneuvers himself onto the same cracked surface. The ice gives away below him, and he falls to his death, drowning. It was because of this act of love that The Man in the Moon fabricated Jack into an immortal and chose him to be a Guardian.


"Would I trick you?"
"Yes! You always play a joke on!"

Jack's sister has directly chocolate-brown hair, reaching betwixt her elbows and shoulders. Her eyes are of a like brown and she has a noticeable dazzler mark nether her right middle. She is seen in the flashback to wear a dark-brown and red dress with white and brown diamond designs decorating the bottom. She was also seen to habiliment water ice-skating shoes.

She was also a truthful and spitting image of Jack Frost back when was a human (because that they were siblings).


She appears during the early colonial scene talking to a human being when Jack arrives to the village equally Jack Frost.

Her voice could exist heard calling for Jack after he returned Sophie back to her dwelling house in Burgess. Her vox led Jack to Pitch'southward Lair.

Jack'south niggling sister tells Jack she's scared as the ice cracks.

Subsequently the battle of Jack and Pitch in Antarctica, she once over again calls for Jack, causing him to call back he still has his memories. Subsequently Baby Tooth taught Jack how to use the Tooth Box, she makes an appearance in Jack Frost'south flashback of his human past. The flashbacks showed Jack some of the fun memories he did take with her and likewise showed him the moment when he relieve her from the water ice. These memories made Jack realize that he always has been a Guardian and gave him the courage to fix his mistake and save the Guardians and the children of Globe from Pitch.

She was mentioned once later by Jack's cheery proclaim of once having a sister and beingness her "Guardian."

Her final advent was when Jamie told Jack he was scared, causing Jack to remember a similar state of affairs between him and his sister on the ice and, thanks to the retentiveness, he realize what his eye was.


  • "Jack...Jack..."
  • "Jack, go down from at that place!"
  • "Jack, I'1000 scared."
  • "No, we're not!"
  • "Yeah! You e'er play tricks!"
  • "Jack!"


Guardians G symbol.png
  • Interesting to note, Jack'due south little sis somewhat resembles both Jamie Bennett and Sophie Bennett. It is possible Jamie and Sophie are descendants from Jack's little sis, which might be the reason Jack felt drawn to Jamie. When Peter Ramsey, the manager of ROTG, was asked virtually this, he answered: "Who knows…! It could be possible… One of my regrets is that we didn't have more than screen time in the movie to flesh things out a bit more than. Is in that location a bigger connection between Jamie and Jack? Yeah, that could be a definite possibility, that there'south some kind of lineage connection similar that. Information technology'southward one of those pic mysteries." [four]
  • Babe Tooth has a similar beauty marker on the bottom of her right centre only every bit Jack's picayune sis does.
  • Sophie Bennett and Jack'south sister accept similar hairstyles, bangs pushed over their right heart.
  • Pippa and Jack Frost's sister are voiced by the same phonation actor. (Due to this, some fans began to claim this proper name for Jack's sister.)
  • According to the Rise of The Guardians Facebook, she can be spotted talking to an adult during the early colonial hamlet scene. (When Jack returns to the village as Jack Frost.)[v]
  • Unlike her brother, she wears shoes through her whole advent.
  • In the official Rise of the Guardians script, it is revealed that Jack's Sister was originally 4 years old and she was meant to resemble Sophie, non Jamie,[half-dozen] all the same, after some changes were made, she resembles Jamie instead and, although her age is never mentioned, looks to be around the same age, 8-10 years onetime.
  • People chosen her Flee, because she could jump and run so fast. However, on that fateful day she was also agape. [seven]


  1. https://world wide
