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what to put on my 16 yr old son so he dont pee on his sheets

Older female toddler sleeping in bed At what age is bedwetting a problem? It'southward a common question fielded past pediatricians everywhere.

Bedwetting among older children is mutual, but tin be uncomfortable and embarrassing for children and frustrating for parents. Because information technology's rarely talked about among friends and extended family members, both parents and children can experience like at that place is something wrong with them when bedwetting continues into the elementary years and across.

And so how can you get an older child to stop wetting the bed?

What parents should know about bedwetting

Jennifer Kirk, MSN, CPNP, a nurse practitioner in the Division of Urology at Children'due south Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), works with dozens of families every year to help children overcome bedwetting.

Her offset slice of advice is to recognize how common bedwetting is, and that about children naturally outgrow it. Experts estimate that 15 to twenty percentage of children between the ages of v and seven wet their beds at least occasionally. The numbers drop steadily as children age, downwardly to nigh 2 percent at age 16. "About xv percentage of children who wet the bed volition become dry every twelvemonth," says Kirk.

Bedwetting causes

Why practise children moisture the bed?

  • In many cases, bedwetting is a genetic pattern, inherited from a parent, aunt or uncle.
  • About older children who moisture the bed are very sound sleepers, so the signals of a total bladder aren't strong plenty to wake them.
  • Some children have small bladders or don't produce enough of a hormone (vasopressin) that reduces urine production during sleep.
  • Bedwetting tin be triggered by stress and by changes in the family, even positive ones, like a new baby or a dissimilar bedtime schedule over vacation.

In some cases, especially when bedwetting is a new occurrence, it can be a sign of another wellness problem. If your child is older than 7 and has started to wet the bed after many months of being dry out, talk to your pediatrician. Your child'due south primary intendance provider will ask if at that place have been any stressful events or changes in your kid's life, and can screen for health problems such equally diabetes, constipation, slumber apnea or a urinary tract infection.

"You should only consider bedwetting a problem if your child does, for instance if they feel embarrassed or upset, or if at that place is a medical cause for concern," says Kirk. "The motivation to stop bedwetting needs to come up from the child."

How parents tin can help a child who wets the bed

"The central affair is not to blame or shame your child," says Kirk. "Instead, focus on positive encouragement and applied steps you can take together."

What are some of those practical steps to stop bedwetting?

Manage daytime fluid intake and urination

"Focus on what is going on during the twenty-four hour period," says Kirk. "The timing of fluid intake and urination during the day affects what happens at night."

  • Work with your child to make a habit of urinating every two or three hours during the day, even when they don't experience the need. Take them void twice at bedtime — once an hour before they get to bed and then again right before they go to bed.
  • Accept your child use a calendar tracker to sympathise urination patterns over time. CHOP offers ii of these trackers on its website, i for children and preteens and 1 for teens. This can give your child a sense of command over their bedwetting and assist them see and feel expert nearly progress.
  • Encourage your child to drink enough of fluids early in the 24-hour interval, rather than waiting until the end of the 24-hour interval to quench their thirst. Children who participate in sports belatedly in the 24-hour interval should hydrate before their practice or game, then try to limit fluid intake during the evening.

Minimize disruption and discomfort at night

Use a waterproof mattress cover and go on a clean set of sheets and sleepwear at hand in case a change is needed.

Consider a bedwetting warning

Bedwetting alarms have a moisture sensor that triggers a bell or buzzer when the child's pajamas showtime to get wet. "The alarm is for the parent, at least at showtime," says Kirk. "A child who tin sleep through a wet bed will sleep through the alarm." So you might want to put a baby monitor in the child'due south room.

The process takes fourth dimension, merely afterward 3 or 4 months well-nigh children (non all) larn to awaken when the alarm sounds and to get up and use the toilet.

"The alarm requires a motivated child and a motivated family to work," says Kirk. "Timing is important. Choice a fourth dimension free of stressors and when the family unit isn't overcommitted."

Talk with your child's primary care provider about medication

Some children are helped by a medication — DDAVP®, or desmopressin — taken as a pill earlier bedtime to reduce the amount of urine produced during sleep. DDAVP tin exist a valuable tool for special events like sleepovers and sleep-away military camp when used in add-on to fluid and voiding management during the 24-hour interval.
